Organization of Incentives for Employees and Customers by your Event Partner aigner und oesterreicher

Successful together


Motivation means more than just monetary incentives. Pulling together, mutual appreciation, and identification with the company are key motivating factors. That's why it pays off in every respect to strengthen your employees' drive, because shared experiences outside the usual working environment strengthen the sense of togetherness, promote cohesion and open up new perspectives. Inspire your employees with real and virtual experiences that motivate them in the long term and, above all, stoke passion for the success of your company.

Incentives that have a lasting effect - even virtually

Employees and customers are the key protagonists of a company's success. Therefore, it is all the more important to show them appreciation and to strengthen their bond with the company through motivating incentives. Within the informal atmosphere of incentives, contacts can be intensified and trust can be built up and expanded. We create incentives at special locations with extraordinary experiences.


The power of positive experiences can also be generated virtually: for example, through a wine or beer tasting, inspiring live cooking, or an exciting team game. Use the energy of a motivating incentive to strengthen the bond between your company, your employees and your customers in the long term!

Attractive feature for your company

Incentives for employees are also an attractive feature for your company. Use this tool in recruiting by, for example, having a short video clip made of it that you publish on your website or post on your Facebook page. Potential new employees will be thrilled! When organizing incentives for employees and customers, we work with professional film teams who know what matters.